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Altorient: Historical Atlas of the Ancient Orient - by Andreas Birken

from 300 BC until 3300 BC

(30 maps)

4th Century BC

5th Century BC

6th Century BC

7th Century BC

8th Century BC

9th Century BC

10th Century BC

11the Century BC

12th Century BC

13th Century BC

14th Century BC

15th Century BC

16th Century BC

17th Century BC

18th Century BC

19th Century BC

20th Century BC

21st Century BC

22nd Century BC

23rd Century BC

24th Century BC

25th Century BC0

26th Century BC

27th Century BC

28th Century BC

29th Century BC

30th Century BC

31st Century BC

32nd Century BC

33rd Century BC

The Historical Atlas of the Ancient Orient offers 30 history maps of Southeastern Europe and Middle East in the Antiquity: 1 map per century from 300 B.C. until 3300 B.C.

This set of maps is also available in German as an interactive PDF atlas on the ancient history of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Iran, and Anatolia. 30 maps for each century from the 33rd to the 4th B. C. with surveys, explanations and discussion of chronological problems.