Aigues-Mortes - Aigues-Mortes
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Aigues-Mortes, la Tour Constance
En faisant construire Aigues-Mortes en 1240, Louis IX devint le premier roi de France disposant d'un port sur la Méditerranée.
La tour Constance, bâtie vers 1242-48, est isolée, à l'angle nord-ouest de la ville. Saint Louis envisageait d'en faire l'unique défense d'Aigues-Mortes.

Aigues-Mortes, the Constance Tower
In deciding to build Aigues-Mortes in 1240, Louis IX became the first French King to have use of a port with access to Mediterranean Sea.
The Constance Tower, constructed around 1242-48, is located at the northwest corner of the town and was completely separated from the wall. Saint Louis intended that the tower be the sole defense of Aigues-Mortes.
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1024 x 768

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