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Click on the name of a mountain to display its position as a bold red line on the map. Only the main mountain ranges are shown with their traditional English name.

Click on the name of a river to highlight it in blue on the map. Only the major rivers are shown and they are named with their English and local name.

Each map is entitled with the English and local town's name. Ancient cities are followed by their antique name.
On each map the position of a town is shown with a red square and the name is written in local language translitterated in Latin script.
Under each map appears, in bold script, the English name of the town with a link towards the Wikipedia corresponding entry. It is followed by the italicized local name and by the antique name in grey when available. On the same line is mentioned the country in which stands the town and the date of its first historical mention. A grey number means that the date is controversial.
This official municipality population is mentioned here, followed by the population of the agglomeration, that is to say of the whole urban area including the suburbs.

Each map is entitled with the English and local short form country name.
Each country's position is shown on the main map with its local long form name written in bold Latin script in upper left corner.
Under each map appears, in bold script, the English long name with a link towards the corresponding Wikipedia entry. It is followed by the local language short name in italicized script. Only the sovereign states and the European Union are listed.
The surface of each country is given in square kilometres as it appears in Wikipedia. For the special status territories, the area is given when known.
Census are not taken regularly and population must be considered as an estimate for the given year. The main source for that is a comparison between French, English and German entries for each country in Wikipedia.
Average life expectancy
As Gross Domestic Product (GDP) value is a limited indicator for the standard of living and as Human Development Index (HDI) takes into account GDP and literacy wich is itself strongly correlated to average life expectancy, we are giving here only the average life expectancy in each country. Our source is the World Health Organization (WHO) 2006 World Health Report.
Special status territories
Internationally unrecognized or unclear status entities are listed here separately with their de jure state.

This is a bilingual English - French page. You can click on a green dot to see a thumbnail image of the chosen place. However, much more pictures are available in the Euratlas Europe Photos section.

The Euratlas Physical Atlas of Europe is only available as a web version but the source file can be purchased in the Euratlas Shop.

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